In its most basic form, a user interface (UI) consists of screens, pages, and visual elements, such as buttons and icons, that enable users to interact with a product and services.

User experience, on the other hand, describes how a person feels when they interact with every aspect of a company’s product or service.

It’s not uncommon for people to use these words interchangeably or incorrectly. Have you ever wondered, “What is UI, what is UX, and what’s the difference?”? To get a better understanding of the difference between UI and UX, we’ll delve a bit deeper into this post.

What is user interface?

User interfaces (UIs) are anything that a user interacts with in order to use a digital product or service. All kinds of displays, keyboards, sounds, and even lights fall under this category. For a deeper understanding of UI, however, consider the following.Knowing a bit more about its history and how it has evolved into a profession and a best practice is helpful.

How does UX work?

Users’ experiences, whether positive, negative, or neutral, are informed by their interaction with the UI. User experience, or UX, developed following the improvements to the user interface.